



Dr. Qingfeng LI
Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
Johann Wolfgang Goethe University
Ruth-Moufang-Str. 1
60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

liqf (at) fias.uni-frankfurt.de
Office: 03.403
Phone: +49.69.798.47521
Fax: +49.69.798.47611

Curriculum Vitae (Brief CV)

1990-1993: Student at Shi-Quan High School;
1993-1996: Bachelor of Science (Physics), in Northwest University, Xi'an, China;
1997-1999: Master of Science (Physics), in Northwest University, Xi'an, and CIAE, Beijing, China;
1999-2002: Ph. D (Particle physics and Nuclear physics), in CIAE, Beijing, China;
2002-2004: post-doctor (Theoretical physics), in ITP, CAS, Beijing, China;
(5.2004-6.2004: Visiting researcher, in ITP, Giessen, Germany.)
2004-2006: AvH fellow (Theoretical physics), in FIAS, Frankfurt/M, Germany.
2007-now: FIAS post-doc, in FIAS, Frankfurt/M, Germany.

Research Interests


Nuclear reaction physics

A.    Low energy HICs: The synthesis of superheavy elements

B.     Intermediate energy HICs: The isospin effects

C.     High energy HICs: The phase transition from hadron gas to QGP


Transport theory:

1)        Boltzmann transport theory

2)        BUU/QMD transport models

3)        Thermaldynamics of QCD



Ph.D Thesis:

                        i.   Isospin in HICs and K production at near threshold

Download: in Chinese(doc) or a brief one in English (ps)



1)        For the synthesis of superheavy elements: CCFULL, DNS,

2)        For the intermediate energy HICs: IQMD, RBUU transport models,

3)        For the relativistic HICs: UrQMD transport model,

4)        For HBT: CRAB analyzing program, ROOT fitting program.



a)        Title of “Hu Ji-Min’s Education and Science Prize” of China Nuclear Physics Society in 2002

b)       Supported by the CASK.C. Wong Post-doctors Research Award Fund in 2002




The density/temperature/momentum dependence of the isospin effects

High-energy collision of heavy ions provides a unique tool for studying the unbroken properties of dense nuclear matter at finite temperature, outside the reach of conventional nuclear physics

So far, the density/Temperature/momentum dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy is still largely uncertain, although a lot of theoretical and experimental effort has been undertaken in the past decades.

Within transport theory, both the mean field and the in-medium two-body scattering cross sections eventually come from the same origin and can be derived from the same NN interaction, therefore, the corresponding cross sections are also isospin-dependent in isospin-asymmetric nuclear medium.

Recently we are interested in the property of density dependent symmetry potential at supranormal densities.


The HBT puzzles

As is well known that the Hanbury-Brown-Twiss interferometry (HBT) or Femtoscopy technique has been used widely to extract the spatio-temporal information of the particle freeze-out source. However, several puzzles were found during the investigations, such as, 1, the HBT radii are “always” around 5-6 fm from the central Au+Au/Pb+Pb HICs when beam energy has been increased from SIS, SPS, up to RHIC in the past two decades (the E-puzzle). 2, the theoretical (in cascade mode) calculated ratio of HBT radius R_O and R_S is always larger than that from experiments (the time-related t-puzzle). See the below picture:

Excitation function of Ro/Rs. The cascade calcualttion is from UrQMD


In order to understand the origin of this time-related puzzle, we considered the “pre-formed” hadron potentials and formed baryon potentials in the UrQMD calculations and found that these potentials help to solve the “t-puzzle” at all beam energies. It also helps to understand the so-called m_T-scaling of the HBT radii. Please read the papers [1-2] in my publications below for details if you are interested in this topic.

  The animation shows Ca+Ca Collision at Eb=160A GeV(b=1 fm). (You need Jave applet to view it)


Publications  (you can also find some of these papers from here or here. Citesummary can be checked here)

  1. PLB: (arXiv: 0812.0375v1): Phys. Lett. B 674 (2009) 111 (Effects of a phase transition on HBT correlations in an integrated Boltzmann+Hydrodynamics approach)
  2. PLB: (arXiv: 0802.3618v1): Phys. Lett. B 663 (2008) 395 (Transport model study of the m_T-scaling for Lambda, Kaon, and pion HBT-correlations)
  3. PLB: (arXiv: 0709.1409v2): Phys. Lett. B 659 (2008) 525 (The effect of "pre-formed" hadron potentials on the dynamics of heavy ion collisions and the HBT puzzle)


  1. PRC 62, 014606(2000) (Isospin dependence of N-N elastic cross section)
  2. PRC 64, 064612(2001) (Equilibration with respect to isospin in intermediate energy HICs)
  3. PRC 69, 017601(2004) (Density and temperature dependence of N-N elastic cross section)
  4. PRC 71, 054907(2005) (Sigma-/Sigma+ ratio as a candidate for probing symmetry potential)
  5. PRC 72, 034613 (2005) (Probing the density dependence of the symmetry potential at low and high densities)
  6. PRC 73, 051601(R) (2006) (Probing the symmetry energy and the degree of isospin equilibrium)
  7. PRC 73, 064908 (2006) (Transport model analysis of particle correlations in relativistic HICs at femtometer scales)
  8. PRC 74, 034603 (2006) (Higher-multipole deformations and compactness of hot fusion reactions)
  9. PRC 74, 064908 (2006) (Directed and elliptic flow in heavy ion collisions at GSI-FAIR and CERN-SPS)


  1. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 62 (2009) 425 (Differential neutron-proton squeeze-out)


  1. Eur. Phys. J. A 24, 223(2005) (Deformation and orientation effects in the driving potential of the dinuclear model)


  1. J. Phys. G 31, 1359 (2005) (density dependence of the symmetry potential)
  2. J. Phys. G 32, 151  (2006) (Probing EoS with pions)
  3. J. Phys. G 32, 407  (2006) (Medium modification of the N-N elastic cross section in neutron-rich intermediate energy HICs)
  4. J. Phys. G 32, 1143 (2006) (Particle transfer and fusion cross-section for super-heavy nuclei in dinuclear system)
  5. J. Phys. G 34, 537  (2007) (Transport model analysis of the transverse momentum and rapidity dependence of pion interferometry at SPS energies)
  6. J. Phys. G 34, 2037 (2007) (Pion freeze-out as seen through HBT correlations in heavy ion collisions from FAIR/AGS to RHIC energies)
  7. J. Phys. G 36, 015111 (2009) (A Model comparison of resonance lifetime modifications, a soft equation of state and non-Gaussian effects on pi-pi correlations at FAIR/AGS energies)


  1. Mod.Phys.Lett.A17:375, 2002 (Isospin distribution of fragments in Zr(Ru)+Zr(Ru) at beam energy 400A MeV)
  2. Mod.Phys.Lett.A18:2713,2003 (Role of iosvector meson exchanges to N-N elastic cross section)
  3. Mod.Phys.Lett.A24:41, 2009 (The influence of reconstruction criteria on the sensitive probes of the symmetry potential)


  1. Acta Physica Polonica B 40 (2009) 1217 (A new solution to the HBT time-related puzzle)


  1. Chin.Phys.Lett.19:321,2002 (Isospin effect on nuclear stopping in intermediate energy HICs)


  1. Commun.Theor.Phys.39:667,2003 (Vector meson coupling to nucleons and backward rho and omega production)
  2. Commun.Theor.Phys.41:435,2004 (Revisit N/Z ratio of free nucleons from collisions of neutron-rich nuclei as a probe of EoS of Asymmetric nuclear matter) 
  3. Commun.Theor.Phys.43:493,2005 (On the Coupling of f Meson to Nucleons and Backward f Production)


  1. High Energy Phys. and Nucl. Phys. (in chinese, Beijing, China) 22:1119,1998  (Kaon production and flow in relativistic heavy-ion collisions)
  2. High Energy Phys. and Nucl. Phys. (in chinese, Beijing, China) 24:49,    2000  (Influence of the K- mesons absorption to their production in the heavy-ion collisions)
  3. High Energy Phys. and Nucl. Phys. (in chinese, Beijing, China) 26:926,  2002  (Probing equilibration in HICs and symmetry energy by using isospin-related observables)
  4. High Energy Phys. and Nucl. Phys. (in chinese, Beijing, China) 28:1343, 2004  (Isospin effect in intermediate energy Heavy ion collisions)



  1.  Li, Z., Mao, G., Li, Q. and Zhuo, Y. (1997): The self-consistent RBUU approach for relativistic heavy ion collisions. APCTP workshop on astro-hadron physics—properties of hadrons in matter, edited by Brown, G.E., Lee, C.-H., Lee, H.K. and Min, D.-P., published by world Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd, Singapore, 281-290.
  2. Li, Q. and Li, Z. (2001): Probing equilibrium in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions. International Conference on Nonequilibrium and Nonlinear Dynamics in Nuclear and Other Finite Systems, edited by Li, Z., Wu, K., Wu, X.Z., Zhao, E.G. and Sakata, F., published by AIP Conference Proceedings 597, Meiville, New York, 152-159.
  3. Nan Wang, (2004) Wenfei Li, Jianfeng Li, Hushan Xu, Wei Zuo, Junqing Li, Q. Li, K. Moriyama, W. Scheid, and Enguang Zhao, proceedings of JCNP 2004.
  4. Li, Q. (2005) "Isospin effects in heavy ion collisions at SIS energies", workshop on superheavy elements, in Giessen, Germany. Proceeding No. ISBN 3-00-017194-0
  5. Li, Q. (2007) CPOD 2007 workshop “Critial Point and Onset of Deconfinement” (My talk: “Pion freeze-out through HBT in HICs from FAIR/AGS-RHIC”), PoS (CPOD07) 048.
  6. H. Petersen, J. Steinheimer, Q. Li, G. Burau, and M. Bleicher, Proc. 24th Winter workshop on Nuclear Dynamics (2008) (Marcus gave the talk titled “A fully integrated Boltzmann+hydrodynamics approach:Multiplicities, transverse dynamics and HBT“(arXiv: 0806.1805v1 [hep-ph]), to be published.
  7. During 11-14, Sept. 2008, I was invited by Prof. Scott Pratt to give a talk for WPCF2008 workshop (held in Krakow, Poland), the title of my talk is “HBT results from UrQMD”, here is the ppt file.

Several other recent talks:


  1. One pps file on studies of HBT stuff (Invited talk by NA49/CERN in Geneve), in Year 2006.
  2. During 14-15, Sept. 2006, I was invited by FOPI/GSI to give a talk about the isospin and observables, this is the pps file of the presentation (FOPI collaboration meeting in Warsaw University).
  3. During 11-12, Dec. 2006, I was invited by Prof. Wolfgang Trautmann to give a talk about the isospin effects in neutron and proton flows (in GSI CHIMERA workshop).
  4. On 20-26 of Jan. 2008, One of our collaborators, Dr. P. Russotto, gave a talk for The XLVI International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, here is the website to download his ppt.
  5. On 28th of May, 2008, I was invited by Prof. A. Pagano and Dr. P. Russotto from the Department of Physics and astronomy, Catania Universtiy to give a seminar talk (about recent HBT results).
  6. During 29-30, May. 2008, I gave a talk for Asy-EoS workshop on Nuclear symmetry Energy at medium energies (INFN, Catania University, Italy).
  7. On 21st of Aug. 2008, I was invited by Prof. Scheid from ITP, Giessen University to give a seminar talk (in pdf style, title: potential updates in UrQMD).





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