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  • HIVAP:熔合裂變截面計算(38)
  • FUSSCAT:熔合與準彈散射截面計算(23)
  • 軟件簡(jiǎn)介



    1 Applications of ImQMD model to heavy-ion nuclear reactions
    1.1 Introduction 
    1.2 The ImQMD model
    1.2.1 Brief introduction of the ImQMD model
    1.2.2 Parameter sets of ImQMD and some test results
    1.3 Applications to heavy-ion fusion reactions
    1.3.1 The Coulomb barrier
    1.3.2 Fusion cross sections
    1.3.3 Capture cross sections of heavy nuclei fusion
    1.3.4 Dynamical fusion process of heavy nuclei
    1.4 Applications to strongly damped reactions
    1.4.1 Production of super-heavy fragments
    1.4.2 Properties of the super-heavy fragments
    1.5 Conclusion and discussion

    2 Applications of Skyrme energy-density functional to fusion reactions
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 The calculations of fusion barrier
    2.2.1 Skyrme energy-density functional
    2.2.2 The neutron and proton densities of nuclei
    2.2.3 The calculations of fusion barriers
    2.3 Fusion excitation functions
    2.3.1 The parametrization of barrier distribution
    2.3.2 Fusion reactions between nuclei with non-closed-shell but near -stability line
    2.3.3 Fusion reactions between nuclei with neutron-shell-closure or of neutron-rich nuclei
    2.3.4 Fusion reactions at energies above barrier
    2.3.5 Prediction of capture cross sections
    2.4 Conclusion and Discussion

    3 Driving potentials of reactions leading to SHE
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Microscopic fusion barrier
    3.3 Driving potentials of reactions leading to super-heavy nuclei
    3.3.1 Calculation of driving potential
    3.3.2 The driving potentials of strongly damped reactions

    4 Discussions

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